13 Agust 2021



17Nov. 2022 - Open Stage Fashion Show

Hosting by: PhD Dr. Banu Noyan

Pegah Moshfeghi is a jewelry designer and the creator of the Pegah jewelry brand.

She has started her professional work in the field of gold and jewelry design in 2014 and established her first showroom in Istanbul.

Concentration of this creative Iranian designer is on historical symbols and signs and postmodern forms.

Her designs, was inspired by the from of symbols and signs of the two rich Persian and Ottoman cultures.

In the way of understanding the culture and history, she has had special collaborations with museums. Some of the enduring designs of this artist is the performance of several pieces of jewelry inspired by the paintings of famous Turkish artists, such as master Feyhaman Duran and master Huseyn Avni Livij, which is displayed in Sabanci Museum.

ECE GÜRSEL OpenStage runway / Pegah Jewellery

The design and produce of wearable jewelry is always her interests.

Her first pieces of wearable jewelry were exposed in the “Open Stage Moda Gunleri” fashion show in Istanbul.

Farvahar’s sign taken from Persian history, Rumi's poems taken from the culture and civilization of both nations, and Shams sign isinspired by Islamic art were prominent forms of this show.




Matador Koleksiyonu:

The traditions and cultures around me have always inspired me.
Now what caught my attention is MATADOR:

Matador has its own story, but it contains a new message for today's modern world, The "bull" symbolically represents career development, success in business, prosperity and health.

As the world struggles with such a pandemic, I believe that the goodness of this animal will help people.
In addition, we should not ignore that the bond between human, nature and animal is one of the most important values in the world.
Matador Collection was created by me after being inspired by a sculpture made by an artist named Nima Mohseni.





Shams ( sun ):
Shams stands for sun . It is basically same as bergamot which is shown as circle or polygon.
In Islamic art pieces sun represents light and oneness.In total sun symbolizes day youth , life , happiness, warmth.

In Islamic art Shams generally inspired by the role of Persian patterns such as Arabesque tracery, heliotropes, inscription ...


The Faravahar is one of the best-known symbols of Zoroastrianism, the state religion of ancient Iran. This religious-cultural symbol was adapted by the Pahlavi dynasty to represent the Iranian nation.The winged disc has a long history in the art and culture of the ancient Near and Middle East. Historically, the symbol is influenced by the "winged sun" hieroglyph appearing on Bronze Age royal seals (Luwian SOL SUUS, symbolizing royal power in particular). In Neo-Assyrian times, a human bust is added to the disk, the "feather-robed archer" interpreted as symbolizing Ashur.

I used “ Ahura Mazda” which it means GOD in my products also design them by old Persian cuneiform to express the importance of this shapes in Persian culture. “Old Persian cuneiform” is a semi-alphabetic cuneiform script that was the primary script for Old Persian. Texts written in this cuneiform have been found in Iran (Persepolis, Susa, Hamadan, Kharg Island), Armenia, Romania (Gherla), Turkey (Van Fortress), and along the Suez Canal.

Interpretation of Farvahar
The Fravahar's face resembles the face of human being and therefore, indicates its connection to mankind. There are two wings which have three main feathers. These main feathers indicate three symbols of ‘good reflection,' 'good words,' and 'good deed,' which are at the same time the motive of flight and advancement. The lower part of the Fravahar consists of three parts, representing 'bad reflection,' 'bad words,' and 'bad deed' which causes misery and misfortune for human beings.
The circle in the middle of the Fravahar's trunk indicates that our spirit is immortal, having neither a beginning nor an end. The Sun in the middle of two wings along each other which is in the high relief of Ahura Mazda also symbolizes the purity and divinity that sun brings to planet .

One hand of the Fravahar points upwards, showing that we have to struggle to thrive.
The other hand holds a ring. Some interpreters consider that as the ring of covenant, representing loyalty and faithfulness which is the basis of Zarathustra's philosophy. Aryan history and Persian culture which always is my concern , inspired me to use Farvahar sign with all the meanings inside for creation this collection.

To be free of belief and unbelief is my religion.

“Omar Khayyam”


Mevlana Jelaledin Rumi is a 13th century Poet who known throughout the world for his exquisite poems and words of wisdom, which have been translated into many languages.

This collection has 3 parts:

1- ESHGH  (عشق /Love )

2- Jan  (جان / spirit)

3- Heech (هیج / Nothing)

4-Noghteh (نقطه/Dot)


1-ESHGH ( Love / عشق )

Love “عـشق” encompasses a range of strong and

positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure.

In Rumi’s poem love means the elixir of life and the best excuse of life .
If there is no love , there’s nothing.
The pure meaning of love that is used in Rumi’s poem inspired me to create this collection.

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